
Instructions for building the k8scenario tool

You will only need to build the tool if you wish to add new features to the tool itself.

If you wish to do that you must first install a go compiler on your system, then clone the source repository:

git clone https://k8scenario/k8scenario

To build the tool, go to the source directory and run the build.sh script

cd k8scenario

The tool uses the information in .setup.rc file to determine where to place the binary, and where to install the binary and scenarii.

By default the following values are set in .setup.rc:

export DEFAULT_PUBURL="https://k8scenario.github.io/static/k8scenarii"
export DEFAULT_PUBDIR="$HOME//z/TOOLS/k8scenario.github.io"
export K8SCENARIO_BINARY=k8scenario

If you only need to build your local copy, you can keep these default values.

Instructions for creating new scenarii for the k8scenario tool


Some examples files are provided under SCENARII/TEMPLATE.

These files can be used as the basis for new scenarii.


An example yaml file for creating a deployment


Contains bash utility functions to be used in SETUP_SCENARIO.sh, CHECK_SCENARIO.sh, EXCLUDE_FIX_SCENARIO.sh scripts


An example SETUP script


An example CHECK script to verify when a task/fix is completed


For documentation only - not included in zip files


Not used: could be the basis of extra hints - make notes here


Instructions to be shown at start of scenario, and periodically


Not currently used: Indicate subject/resources involved in this scenario


Not currently used: will be basis of quiz questions


TO be done

Scenario zip files

A scenario is a zip file, to be downloaded by the k8scenario tool.

The source for scenarii are kept in the https://github.com/k8scenario/k8scenario repo, under the SCENARII folder.

Scenarii are each of one of the following types:

An example is “scenario0” which is a basic “hello world” ‘task’ scenario which is typically demonstrated to participants at the beginning of the workshop.

Scenario are stored in the repo under SCENARII, e.g. under SCENARII/scenario0.

The script update_scenarii.sh is used to create zip files and upload them to the github repository.


The tool will download the zip for the selected scenario and interpret the files there:

Files which are present in the scenarii but excluded from the zip are

These are the source files for scenario0.

> ls -altr SCENARII/scenario0/
total 4
-rw-rw-rw- 1 mjb mjb  172 Sep 19 16:48 EXCLUDE_SOLUTION.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mjb mjb   51 Oct 30 09:15 check.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mjb mjb  204 Oct 30 09:41 INSTRUCTIONS.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 mjb mjb  263 Dec 28 23:23 EXCLUDE_FIX_SCENARIO.sh

The above folder is comprised of several files:
- check.sh

Let's see how the files are treated by the tool:

### *.yaml

In this scenario there are no yaml files, as the task set is for *you* to perform a task - there is no real *problem* to fix.

Generally k8scenario will run "*kubectl apply*" on any yaml files it encounters in the zip file.

More precisely it will use the following command:
kubectl apply -n k8scenario -f <yaml-file>

Thus any yaml files you provide will be used to create the conditions for a scenario, typically some bad application configuration which is to be fixed.


This script is used to detect if the assigned task/problem has been solved.

The script will be invoked periodically by the tool.

If it returns a zero code then the tool will consider the problem fixed.

For this scenario the files contains:

kubectl -n k8scenario get pods | grep "^basictest.* Running "

This command will return 0 if a Pod named basictest (name starting with basictest) is in the k8scenario namespace and it is in the Running state.

as you might expect EXCLUDE_SOLUTION.txt is excluded from the scenario zip. This file is a description of the scenario solution.


This text file will be used to provide a basic hint to users.

This should be just useful enough … to give a hint.

At a later stage it is planned to allow multiple levels of hint allowing users to see the solution.


This file will be excluded from the scenario zip file, but is here to document the solution


This file will be excluded from the scenario zip file, but is here to provide a runnable script which would fix the task/problem.

Building the zip files

The script ./script/update_scenarii.sh builds a zip file from each folder under SCENARII/scenario*.

Running this script without arguments will generate the scenario zip files.

Running with the ‘-u’ argument will also upload them to https://k8scenario.github.io/static/k8scenarii

Instructions for testing new scenarii - using setup_check_fix_scenario.sh

From the repo directory you can run a scenario using the setup_check_fix_scenario.sh script: e.g. setup_check_fix_scenario.sh 1


Then run the script test_scenario_local.sh -a

You should see indications of pass/fail


Tool for switching between your current kubeconfig context and k8scenario context (with namespace ‘k8scenario’)

Update/upload zip files - update_scenarii.sh


You can run a local web server …

TODO: Describe k8scenario arguments for a local server

Not needed can run directly from filesystem: e.g.

k8scenario --zip SCENARIO/scenario0.zip